Chemical Card Plus®
Chemical Card Plus® is designed for farmers to meet the requirements for on-farm chemical use. Chemical Card Plus provides AQF3 level accreditation for pesticide users, the level recommended for unsupervised application of pesticides.
The course includes:
- AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
- AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
- First time accreditation: $380 per person (GST Exempt)
- Refresher Accreditation: $300 per person (GST Exempt) - you must provide evidence of your previous training (Statement of Attainment or Chemical Card) at the time of enrolment. The date of issue must be no more than 6 years prior (i.e. your Chemical Card has not been expired for more than 12 months)
- Control Weeds: This course meets the requirements to apply for the ACUP in Victoria and ACDC in Queensland (the optional unit AHCPMG301 Control Weeds is available from RuralBiz Training for $150 (GST exempt).
- Subsidies: Participants who have not previously received funding to complete this course may be eligible for FEE-FREE training under the AgSkilled program
Bookings are essential at least 10 days before the course so we can post your workbooks prior to the training day. We close enrolments once each class reaches 10 participants, so you must enrol early to secure your place!
- 15 April in Warialda with Reg Kidd – Register by 08 April
*Please note some dates and locations may change, please call the office on 02 6884 8812 for the current schedule.
Face To Face Course - What to Expect
(Approximately 8 hours at home study + 1 day face-to-face workshop)
This course covers the following nationally accredited units:
- AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
- AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals.
It also covers the requirements for on farm fumigation and use of 1080.
What to expect:
- You will receive a hardcopy Chemical Card Plus workbook and manual to complete.
- Prior to the face-to-face training day, you will be required to complete at home study (up to 8 hours) in your own time before arriving.
- The at home study is essential to ensure the trainer has enough time to teach the rest of the course content on the face-to-face day.
- The face-to-face day typically runs from 8am-5pm with a morning tea and lunch break.
- Assessment for refreshers is the same as for someone accrediting for the first time, however a discounted fee is offered if you are completing as a refresher.
- During the face-to-face training day you will finish the workbook, undertake practical assessments and finalise your written assessment.
**Please note your registration is not confirmed until we have received your enrolment form/participant registration. If you are unsure as to whether you have completed it yet or not – please contact our office on 02 6884 8812 or email
AgSkilled - Subsidised Training
Subsidies are sometimes available under the NSW Government's AgSkilled Program. Participants who have not previously received funding to complete this course may be eligible for FEE-FREE training under the AgSkilled program subject to budget allocation.
AgSkilled seeks to upskill NSW’s agricultural industries to manage the challenges of the future. AgSkilled training has a strong on-farm focus. Funded training is available to those with a genuine interest in NSW’s agricultural industries, such as being a producer, farm staff, contractor, industry professional or those seeking employment in the sector.
Industries include:
- Cotton
- Grains
- Production Horticulture & Viticulture
- Rice Growing
- Fodder & Forage Crops
- Hay & Silage
- Beef cattle, dairy, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, honeybees, other livestock and animal management services used for commercial agricultural food and fibre production
At this stage commercial fish production/aquaculture are not included.
To be eligible for AgSkilled Fee Free courses you must meet the NSW Smart & Skilled standard eligibility, meaning you:
- are aged 15 years or older
- have left school
- live or work in New South Wales
- are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen
AND the AgSkilled Eligibility:
Cost - If Not Eligible for Funding
- First time accreditation: $380 per person (GST Exempt)
- Refresher Accreditation: $300 per person (GST Exempt) - you must provide evidence of your previous training (Statement of Attainment or Chemical Card) at the time of enrolment. The date of issue must be no more than 6 years prior (i.e. your Chemical Card has not been expired for more than 12 months)
- Control Weeds: This course meets the requirements to apply for the ACUP in Victoria and ACDC in Queensland -the optional unit AHCPMG301 Control Weeds is available from RuralBiz Training for $150 (GST exempt).
- Subsidies: Subsidies are sometimes available under the NSW Government's AgSkilled Program. Contact our office for more information
If you are not eligible for funding click the blue "I do not wish to apply for S&S" on the NSW Smart & Skilled page of your enrolment form.