James Scott

Name: James Scott

Age: 18

Location: Nannup, WA

Course(s) Studied: Diploma of Agriculture


My name is James Scott. I hail from a family farm out of Nannup, WA. Within our operation, we have 20 hectares of orchard, comprising stonefruit and pomefruit (Apples and pears), as well as citrus, avocados and persimmons. We supply both Coles and Woolworths, The Canning Vale Markets with a majority. But we then supply 8 local shops twice a week and then 220 individual households each fortnight. On top of this, we run 200 head of beef cattle on pasture. As well as growing fodder in the form of hay and silage.

Within this operation, I'm hoping to escalate our fruit and hay production off of our current ground. So I enrolled in the diploma to see what we could do off of our ground. It has been an extremely well rounded course so far, giving me the basis I needed in both the financial and scientific aspects of achieving this extra production.

The course so far has been extremely enjoyable. Specifically the field trips and the connections you make on the field trips has been most useful. As it allows you to take the best parts of someone else's operation and implement it on your own. As well as this, you get to see the other parts of your industry such as the supply chain and corporate meetings. Both of which give better insight into how you run your operation. 

Within this course, you will also meet plenty of like minded individuals. It really is a great way to interact in the wider agricultural community by doing this course.

So if your looking for a diploma that's a bit more than a diploma than others offer, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend RuralBiz to anyone. As I believe you cannot find a better rounded course.

Best of luck with your course choice,

James Scott

Nannup WA

P.S if you want to talk to an absolute stranger about the course, ask the RBT team to put us in touch!