Rhiannon Sandford

Name: Rhiannon Sandford

Age: 23

Location: Molesworth, VIC

Course(s) Studied: Diploma of Agriculture

Rhiannon and her husband Conrad began farming in 2020 on a property they lease from their family and run a commercial Angus herd. Rhiannon has a passion for agriculture and sustainable land management, and a strong desire to improve her farm business management skills. Rhiannon was awarded a full-fee scholarship from RuralBiz Training in 2024.

"Watching mum on the farm when I was growing up helped me to gain a deep respect for the role of farmers in land management, and the belief that farmers deserve recognition for this. I wanted to promote this stewardship and went on to work alongside agriculture in Landcare and Natural Resource management. During this time I increasingly found myself drawn back to agriculture but lacking the relevant knowledge and practical skills. Now, working on the farm and trying to make sustainable and viable farm decisions, RuralBiz Training's Diploma of Agriculture offers immense opportunity to improve our farm business and at the same time strengthen my understanding, planning and business acumen to seek an on-going role in Australian agriculture."